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What to Post on your Facebook page

What to Post on Facebook Business Page

Think about your Facebook page as if you are setting up for a party each day.  You invite followers that share the same interests, and passions into your Facebook page.

Every good host likes to entertain their guests by providing a variety of things that delight all our visitor's tastes, right? From topics of conversation to delicious appetizers, drinks, and a blend of music.

With that in mind, when we invite friends and followers to our Facebook page, we want to create a very similar atmosphere.

We do this by including a variety of posts on our page. For instance, on my page, Scuba Explorers - I only offer two things: scuba instruction and group trips to explore amazing islands around the world.

Now if that's all I offered day after day; if I only shared my content, if I only sent viewers to my website, and I only talked about myself and my offers; people would leave the party and probably not return. 

But by sharing intriguing stories, letting others share their exciting experiences, share stories about marine life, the most virgin diving, and more!  It's possible to create that cool party atmosphere for my community. 

On my Facebook page, Market Immersion, the general audience consists of business owners and entrepreneurs. I share tips about brand exposure, video marketing, sales funnels, and processes that save time and offer businesses a nice return on their investment. If your page has anything related to digital marketing or how-to videos, it would be nice for you to join our party.

Lastly, my other page, Leslie O'Neill, is for travel lovers! Whether you're a digital nomad, an entrepreneur who works online, or you want to take your business online so you can work online and enjoy traveling the world and experiencing other cultures; this is a perfect place to share your posts and engage with is there. On this page, we share travel images.  It’s a place for travel writers, bloggers, and vloggers gather.  A place for food lovers to share delectable dishes they discovered around the world.  The people who congregate there work from their laptops from anywhere in the world. If this resonates with you, Join this great group of people.

With that said:

1) Feel free to like one or more pages if any of these pages relate to your brand or industry.  I'd love to invite you to the party!

2) Like my page from your page, leave a comment. I will like your page in return. 

4) If you don't see me on your page, send a private message, I'll do it right away. 

When I see something you've posted, and it's relative and not salesy. I will share it at the party (Facebook page). If you have an offer that I that seems like it would be a great benefit - I may share it too.

Good images are as important as the post; captions are equally important.  If you are not going to caption your images, don't even bother posting.  People want to know what they're looking at, without a caption they stop caring.  Social sharing is what this is about, and making your guests feel included. 

If your followers take the time to comment, engage with them. Acknowledge them with an emoji, but if they take the time to write a sentence, by all means, write something back.  If you were at a live event, gathering, meeting, party; and someone said something to you- would you walk away and not comment back? Treat the guests on your page the same as you would in person.  

On another note, I have three websites that coordinate with each page. My invitation extends there, as well.  If you would like a back-link to your site; send me an original article, post or a vlog with several keywords, and a few nice images.

Once I review and publish it, I'll send you the link to post on your site. If for some reason what you send does not work for my site, no worries. I'll let you know why; you won't be out anything. You can post it on your site; we'll coordinate and try again.

I'm sure you already know this, but you never want to send a copy of something you have already posted. That's called "duplicate content," the bots will find it and penalize both our sites. So you always want to use fresh, self-produced, original content.

People say, "Leslie, why do you promote other businesses?" I'd rather invite quality people to the party — those with a mutual interest in building relationships through business. I'm happy to share my audience with people I may get to know over time. I believe it adds value, and it can be a win-win for all involved. I truly enjoy promoting other businesses

I look forward to sharing your post on my Facebook business page or guest posts on one of my websites.

Ciao for now!


Leslie O'Neill 

About the Author Leslie O'Neill

Leslie is the founder of MI, a digital marketing agency for brilliant business owners and entrepreneurs. When she’s not running ads, designing landing pages, websites, or email campaigns; she's probably scuba diving off some remote island in the Caribbean! Leslie's super friendly & easy to talk to. She enjoys sharing things that will help your online business. Reach out from your favorite social site and say hello; she'll be expecting you! :)

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