If you have a WordPress blog, you may run into this issue too. If you spend 30-40 minutes our more sifting through your website comments, cherry-picking the real comments from spam; and then deleting hundreds and hundreds of spam comments one by one; you're going to love this plug-in!
Even though I have a spam filter; I still receive lots of spam comments. After all, if you allow comments, you are going to get spam!
Before I created this video, I saved some of the comments and deleted hundreds of pending comments that looked like spam.
You will see in the video what a huge time-saver this plugin is.
Awesome plugin, "Delete Pending Comments" by Nicholas Kuttler has been.
Once installed, on the left side of your dashboard you will see the number of pending comments, next to these the plugin will ask if you want to delete the pending comments.
Click on it; it will ask you to confirm and give permission to delete the pending comments.
I highlight and paste it, and click on "delete pending" it asks one last time if you are sure you want to delete?
And in one final click of the button, all the comments are gone!
That is how I was able to save time in WordPress using this plugin to remove spam and pending comments in seconds!​
List of Other WordPress Anti-spam Plugins
- Akismet
- Anti-Spam Bee
- WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam
- WordPress Zero Spam
- Free Plugin Anti-Spam
- Anti-Spam by CleanTalk
- Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin
- GoodBye Captcha
- WangGuard
- Spam Destroyer
- Stop Spam Comments
- Stop Spammers Spam Prevention
I hope that helped; it has certainly saved me a lot of time!
Ciao for now!
P.S. If you missed the last post/video, "How to center your video or change dimensions using HTML code," check it out here!
Hi Leslie,
Thank you and I don’t seem to have much problem with spam.
I do have Askismet on my site, maybe thats why.
I have to admit though I have a lot to learn about this, so maybe Im not seeing my spam.
I will go and look though.
Thank you,
Thanks, Di, I used to have Akismet on several of my sites as well.